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Short Fim

A short film is any motion picture that is short enough in running time not to be considered a feature film. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as “an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits”.[1] In the United States, short films were generally termed short subjects from the 1920s into the 1970s when confined to two 35mm reels or less, and featurettes for a film of three or four reels. “Short” was an abbreviation for either term.


How to make a good short film
1. The Script
You can make a bad film out of a good script but not vice versa. Write a script. Then rewrite it. Then rewrite three more times. If a scene does not move the story forward, cut it!

2. Show Don’t Tell
If you can say something visually, do this instead of using dialogue. Dialogue should be the last thing you add to a script anyway. Take a look at my most favourite films.

3. A Short Film Is Not A Feature Film
Don’t give a festival director or anyone a reason to turn off. Do not pace your short like a feature! No one cares about it like you do. You have to get into your story quickly.

4. Storyboard It
Even if you can only draw stickmen, storyboard your film. Do this as early as possible. Let everyone see them and refer to them during the shoot. Be flexible but don’t forget them!

5. Cast It
It’s tempting to use friends. Unless they are trained actors or just darn good you will be creating trouble. There are many talented actors. Do not be afraid to interview them.

6. Crew It
Get people involved if you can but make sure they have defined roles. A cinematographer, 1st AD (or producer performing this role) and sound recordist are the most important roles.

7. Give Yourself Time To Film It
Almost every film overruns. Experience helps but the more time you give yourself, the less mistakes you will make filming it. It will save you money in the long run!

8. Tripods Have A Use
Unless there is an aesthetic reason for your film to be handheld use the legs! But if you want to have that handheld look, don’t go overboard. It can be offputting.

9. Sound Is Important
Much sound is added in post production. Even dialogue can be added. However, make sure you have a sound recordist on set to get the best sound you can. Unless you are skilled in sound mixing, bring someone in who can do this for you.

10. Grade It
Along with sound, the most obvious marker of an amateur film. If you want your short to feel professional or “filmic” it should also be graded. Shots will need matching up at any rate.


1 comment

    1. Exposition – Vorstellung der Ausgangslage
    2. Entwicklung – Situation der Charaktere wird vertieft und ihre Handlungen vorgestellt
    3. Komplikation – ein Ereignis stört den geplanten Ablauf
    4. Höhepunkt – die Darstellung der konsequenzenreichsten Entscheidung
    5. Auflösung – Vorstellung der Konzequenzen (erwartet und unerwartet)

    Der Pfeil:
    Die Narrative folgt einem Charakter von Beginn zu Ende
    Die Schlange:
    Reisegeschichte wie die Odyssey oder Don Quixote, die Narrative meandert.
    Die Spirale:
    Eine Geschichte die sich immer dichter und intensiver auf ihren Fokus zu bewegt, Vertigo, Memento
    Der Baum:
    Arbeitet sich von detailreichen Erzähl-ästen zum Stamm zu, Bsp: It‘s a wonderful life
    Die Explosion:
    Hat multiple Handlungsstränge die sich in verschiedene Richtungen entwickeln. Trainspotting

    Narrative nach Truby:
    1. Die Schwäche, Die Notwendigkeit
    2. Das Verlangen
    3. Die GegnerInnen
    4. Der Plan
    5. Die Schlacht
    6. Die Selbsterkenntnis
    7. Das neue Gleichgewicht

    Wovon Handelt der Film?
    Worum geht es?
    Wo spielt der Film?
    Wie sieht es da aus?
    World building: sind wir in einer anderen Welt?
    Welche Regeln gelten dort?
    Figuren: (Charakterentwicklung)
    Welche Charaktere gibt es?
    Wie verhalten sie sich?
    Was für ein Leben führen die Figuren?
    Wie sehen sie aus?
    Was sagen sie?
    Was ist zu hören?
    Gibt es bestimmte Geräusche und/oder Musik?
    Habt ihr schon bestimmte Szenen im Kopf?
    In welchen Szenen möchtet ihr ein Stativ benutzen?
    In welchen Szenen wird die Kamera in der Hand geführt?
    Wie fängt der Film an und wo hört er auf?
    Wo gibt es Höhepunkte?
    Wie soll sich die Geschichte entwickeln oder gibt es gar keine Geschichte?
    Welches Gefühl soll bei den Zuschauer:innen erzeugt werden?
    Sollen sie sich langweilen, fürchten, mitfiebern?

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