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Write with a typewriter

There’s writing science behind this
The single most important factor when creating new work is form. When you have writing form, you have writing rules and writing rules ironically give you the most freedom to create.
Think about it, when is it hardest to write?
You’d probably agree that the hardest time to write is when the ideas have dried up and that blank white page stares back at you with all it’s blankness. Taunting you. The Medium cursor just mocking you with all it’s annoying cursory-ness.
So, in order to kick-start your creativity you need rules in which to write within, a fence if you will, to contain your ideas and let them flourish.
After all, nothingness is just daunting.
I wrote a piece specifically on the use of form to get the creative juices flowing, check it out, I explain how you can write seriously cool prose by limiting the amount of vowels in your work…
But this is a case of specific form, a physical form…
The typewriter…
Now, writing with a typewriter is simply a distinct piece of form that forces you to mould and shape your writing to work within the physical restrictions that the typewriter poses.
In other words, you can’t screw up.
And that’s where the magic happens.
You can’t backspace.
You can’t re-write those crazy ideas.
They have to stay and this gives you the freedom to explore, it gives you a braver mindset when you sit-down to type because you know that whatever gets inked up, is there forever.
And this improves your writing ability over time. It’s a long game.
Instead of not typing something up on your laptop, you exhale creativity on a typewriter; keeping cut-outs and old bits of prose, underlining them, pinning them to your walls, improving them and giving birth to your wildest ideas.
Who knows, you may even stumble upon an idea for a novel, a new poem, a piece of long prose, all without the distraction of social media, iMessages and calendar notifications.
There’s a reason typewriters existed in the first place.

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